Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Dishes (Part I) - Hagymás rostélyos (Roasted Beef with Onion)

Dear Readers,

it's time to think about your Christmas menu. In my family it is usually not a question what kind of dishes we will prepare for Christmas Eve. In the next few weeks I would like to show you a few of our favorites, and I hope that maybe you will try one of them and send me a picture about it! I will show you easier and more difficult specialties that are time consuming but it is worth to taste. Also, I would like to try a foreign country's Christmas specialty, so if you have  a good recipe, please share it. The first on the list will be 'Roasted Beef with Onion'. Here comes the recipe:


80 dkg (1,76 lb) leg of beef (marharostélyos) 
3 big onions (hagyma)
cooking oil (főzőolaj)
flour (liszt)
1 clove of garlic (fokhagyma)
ground cumin (őrölt kömény)
yellow mustard  (mustár)
marjoram (majoránna)
salt (só)

How to become master of the Hungarian kitchen #17

Our first step is to souse the leg of beef slices with crushed garlic, yellow mustard, and cooking oil the day before the cooking. Then put one chopped up onion, ground cumin, and marjoram in frying pan. Now roast the pork until it does not get tender and nice red. 
If this is ready, cut 2 onions into pieces and mix it with a little flour after fry it in cooking oil. Please poor off the onion when it is already nice brown. Put the roasted beef on a plate and then the fried onion on it. Serve this amazing dish with mashed potato and pickles. Jó étvágyat!