Tuesday, April 19, 2011


This is a very cheap dish and I would say that it is special, because many Hungarians haven't heard about it. In the historical Hungary dödölle was a meal for the poor people, because they didn't need money to buy the ingredients for it; they could produce the potato and the onion for it. Dödölle has many names in Hungary: ganca,   krumpligánic, cinke, and gánic stand for the same dish in different parts of Hungary. Nagykanizsa is the "capital city" of dödölle where there is an annual festival in September called Bor-és Dödölle Fesztivál (Wine and Dödölle Festival). Visit this program if you have time! Here is the very easy recipe:


50 dkg (17,6 oz) potato (burgonya) 
25 dkg (0,55 lb-8,82 oz) flour (liszt)
1-2 onion (vöröshagyma)
2 dl (7 oz) sour cream (tejföl)
cooking oil (főzőolaj)
salt (só)

How to become master of the Hungarian kitchen #10
Cook the potatoes in salted water so it just covers the potatoes. When the potatoes are soft enough, mash them with a potato-masher. Stirring constantly, add flour to it (it shouldn’t be lumpy or clammy). Cut the onion(s) into little pieces and put it into a pan. Now fry it in cooking oil and add potato dollops with the help of a tablespoon. Brown it a little and then serve it with sour cream on the top. Jó étvágyat!


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