Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter dishes (Part II) - Fonott kalács (Braided Bread)

Dear Readers,

Happy Easter to all of you! As I promised, here is the second recipe for the holiday. We prepare all kind of dishes today, but I chose one which can, in my opinion, be found in every Hungarian household when Easter comes: fonott kalács. Here is the recipe:

1 kg (2,2lb - 35,3oz) flour (liszt)
2 eggs (tojás)
5 dkg (1,77 oz) yeast (élesztő)
5 dkg (1,77 oz) sugar (cukor)
5 dl (17,64 oz) milk (tej)
5 dkg (1,77 oz) clarified/run butter (olvasztott vaj)

How to become master of the Hungarian kitchen #12
Our first step is to put the flour, the sugar, and the clarified butter in a bowl. Now, heat the milk for a while. Put the yeast in a bowl and with a tablespoon of sugar and a little heated milk dissolve it. Add two tablespoon flour and mix the ingredients together. If you like, you can put raisins in the braided bread to make it special. We let it rise for about 20-30 minutes.  After it is ready we add it to the flour  (that we prepared in the beginning). Now, start to mold it.

 It is important that the pasta has to be very soft. How do you when the pasta is ready? If you can see little bubbles on it and your pasta can be easily removed from your hand and the bow, it is ready. Please cover the dollop/pasta with a dish-towel and mold it for half an hour. Now, roll the pasta out and braid it (you can see it on the picture). If we are ready with the previous steps, butter a baking pan and put the pasta in it. Dub the braided brad with an egg's yolk. Our last step is to bake it for 40-45 minutes on 350 Fahrenheit (180 Celsius). Serve it for the ham instead of bread. Jó étvágyat!


Zannnie & Zsolt said...

Nice food blog about the Hungarian food in English! :) I enjoy reading the posts about the festive foods (easter) and initially I chanced upon your blog because of the background you gave about Dödölle being a poor people's food. I am surprised because when I first tried it on the Buda Castle at the wine festival, it wasn't that cheap. In my opinion, it was so such a delish! :)

Virág Németh said...

Thank you very much! Dödölle had been the poor people's food but now it's a special dish that you can find in only few places. I'm not surprised that it was expensive at the Buda Castle, because everything costs three or four times as much as in "regular" restaurants. :)

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